I, Jill Cleary, Leader of New Forest District Council, have decided on the following number and content of Cabinet Portfolios and have appointed the Portfolio Holders so named to those Portfolios:-

1)    Leader – Portfolio Holder Cllr Jill Cleary


·         Political Structures

·         Employee Engagement

·         Corporate Plan and performance

·         Transformation

·         Solent Freeport

·         Elections and Electoral Registration

·         Resident Insight, Communications and Design

·         Health and Safety

·         Democratic Services

·         Key Stakeholder Engagement (HCC, NFNPA)


2)    Planning and Economy – Portfolio Holder Cllr Derek Tipp


·         Local Plan

·         Planning Policy

·         Development Management

·         Building Control

·         Street Naming and Numbering

·         Listed Buildings and Conservation

·         Land Charges

·         Town Centre Regeneration

·         Solent Local Enterprise Partnership

·         Economic Development and Skills

·         Support for New Forest Businesses

·         High Streets

·         Go New Forest Liaison


3)    Environment and Sustainability – Portfolio Holder Cllr Geoffrey Blunden


·         Waste Strategy

·         Refuse & Recycling Collection

·         Streetscene, grounds maintenance and litter collection

·         Bereavement Services including Cemeteries

·         Parking Strategy, car parking and Operations

·         Highways liaison including road closures

·         Climate and Sustainability

·         Green Infrastructure, Nature Recovery and Biodiversity

·         Land Drainage

·         Coastal Protection

·         Beach Huts and Keyhaven Harbour

·         Trees

·         Open Spaces

·         Public Conveniences

·         Flytipping

·         Abandoned Vehicles

·         Pest Control


4)    Housing and Homelessness – Portfolio Holder Cllr Steve Davies


·         Housing Strategy and Development

·         Housing Maintenance and Compliance

·         Housing Estates Management

·         Housing Allocations and Options

·         Housing Delivery and Performance

·         Homelessness

·         Private Sector Housing including HMO licensing

·         Disabled Facilities Grants

·         Tenant Engagement


5)    Community, Safety and Wellbeing – Portfolio Holder Cllr Dan Poole


·         Community engagement and development including town and parish councils

·         Health and Wellbeing

·         Culture and Arts development

·         Leisure and Sports development

·         Environmental health and regulatory services

·         Licensing

·         Community Safety including Safer New Forest

·         Anti-social behaviour

·         CCTV and Careline

·         Community Grants and Support

·         Unauthorised encampments

·         Welfare Funerals

·         Emergency Planning including Business Continuity

·         PSPOs

·         Assets of Community Value


6)    Finance and Corporate – Portfolio Holder Cllr Jeremy Heron


·         Medium Term Financial Plan

·         Finance and Resources including Treasury Management

·         Accountancy

·         Revenue and Benefits

·         Estates and Asset Management

·         Human Resources

·         Information Governance, FOI and GDPR

·         Investment strategy and oversight including Appletree Housing

·         Facilities Management

·         Administration of government grant initiatives

·         ICT and Digital Strategy

·         Customer Strategy and Services

·         Legal Services

·         Procurement

·         Health and Leisure Contract Management

·         Eling Tide Mill

·         New Forest Enterprise Centre


I hereby authorise the above Portfolio Holders to take any executive decisions individually on any matter falling within the service areas and functions as set out within their respective portfolios, subject to the procedures set out in the Constitution.

Additionally, I have decided that the Scheme of Delegations to Officers relating to executive functions that existed prior to 23 May 2023 will become the new Scheme of Delegations to Officers relating to executive functions from 23 May 2023, subject to the necessary consequential changes arising from this decision.

In the event that there have been legislative changes in respect of these delegated powers, I hereby authorise the Chief Executive, Strategic Directors, Assistant Directors and Service Managers to take all day to day decisions in respect of services within policy and budget, except in those circumstances allowed for in the Council’s Constitution.

In respect of other executive functions or when an individual executive member or officer declines to or is unable to take an executive decision under their individual powers, such matters will be referred to the Cabinet (or to me, if I consider it appropriate).

Further, I appoint Cllr Steve Davies as Deputy Leader of the Council.

I make the above decisions in accordance with Part 1A of the Local Government Act 2000 (as amended).



Signed             CLLR JILL CLEARY                           Date                23 May 2023